Ear Drum Surgery for Perforations - NY Otolargyngology Group

How The Ear Works

An opening or perforation in the tympanic membrane (ear drum) can result in hearing loss by interfering with the normal transfer of sound to the ossicular chain. Ear drum perforations typically occur from injury or repeated infections. At times the ossicular bones may be damaged or dislocated causing a disruption of sound energy transmission and thus a conductive hearing loss. Ear drum surgery is needed to repair the tympanic membrane and/or the ossicular bones. Through an ear drum surgery the normal conductive mechanism can be re-established and hearing loss improved.

The ear drum (also known as the tympanic membrane) is the thin layer of skin that covers the deeper air-containing space called the middle ear. It is a barrier to external objects entering the ear.  It serves to ‘focus’ the sound energy to the Ossicular chain.  This is a chain of 3 bones that conduct the sound energy through the middle ear to the inner ear where the nerve endings are located.  The 3 bones are (in order from external to internal):  Malleus, Incus and Stapes.

Ear Drum Surgery: Tympanoplasty

Surgery to repair the ear drum is termed Tympanoplasty and may or may not include repair of the ossicles (ossicular chain reconstruction).  This surgery typically requires a graft of your own tissues. This ‘patch’ is usually taken from behind the ear leaving a small scar.

Download: Surgery for Hearing Restoration, by Dr. Neil Sperling