Thyroid Cancer Diagnosis | Thyroid Cancer Treatment


In addition to a complete medical history and medical examination, procedures for a thyroid cancer diagnosis may include a blood test, ultrasound, and thyroid scan or the removal of cells from the tumor for examination under a microscope, also called a biopsy.

The most common way of initially evaluating thyroid lesions is with an in-office needle aspiration, also called a “skinny needle” biopsy. Imaging including sonograms, CT scans, MRI, and nuclear scans may be necessary in the continued work up.

Depending on the stage and type of tumor, it may be necessary to perform a hemithyroidectomy, which removes part of or the entire thyroid gland. This procedure may be followed by remnant ablation (radioactive iodine) followed by subsequent hormone therapy to maintain a proper amount of thyroid hormone in the body.

Dr. Krevitt and Dr. Silver, alongside the members of NYOG’s Head & Neck Surgery team, work closely with an exceptional team of radiologists, medical oncologists, radiation therapists, and endocrinologists to assure each patient is the recipient of proper pre- and post-surgical care for a thyroid cancer diagnosis.