Q & A
- Recurring hoarseness comes and goes, is there an issue with the vocal cords?
- Is there a way to treat a recurring tightening of the muscles around the voicebox?
- Specialist for Loss of Smell After a Head Injury
- Sudden Hoarseness and Oral Candidiasis
- Sinus Drip and Dry Mouth
- Am I a candidate for Laryngeal Framework (pitch lowering) Surgery?
- Salty Post Nasal Drip with Headaches After Surgery
- I have lost my sense of smell and my doctor says it cannot be treated
- Could the Malleus Prosthesis procedure be done in the U.S?
- Is it Time for Sinus Surgery?
- Are Steroids the right treatment for Sudden Sensor Hearing Loss?
- Developed Sinusitis After Lefort Procedure
- Is my son’s Speech Therapy causing more harm than good?
- I haven’t been able to smell my entire life. Do I have congenital anosmia?
- What is causing fluid to flow from my nostril?
- Can using Flonase for a month cure my deviated septum?
- I became dizzy and have lost hearing
- Is there any reason for septicemia in the condition of atrophic rhinitis?
- I had sinus surgery and lost my smell and taste
- Is it normal to have severe vertigo after surgery?
- Why is there crusting in atrophic rhinitis?
- I had punctured sinus from left molar extraction. Can an MRI show if my sinus has healed properly?
- I lost my sense of smell after a dental extraction. Will it come back?
- Is it still possible to get a stapedotomy, and what are the pros and cons of such a procedure?
- I have dizziness and eye pressure. Do I have vertigo?
- Question: Can sinus problems make you cough? My husband is being coughing for many many years and he has so many test done and doctors can’t find anything wrong but the cough won’t stop.
- I am a teacher with a vocal cord polyp. What can I do to reduce it?
- I’m loosing my hearing again after a Stapedectomy. Is there anything new that can help me?
- Is there any treatment for tympanosclerosis other than surgery?
- Do I need revision stapes surgery?
- How soon can I return to work after my ear surgery?
- My mother has a hole in her septum. What can we do?
- I have a cyst on my arytenoid (in the larynx or voice box)
- I work at a loud club and it is affecting my hearing
- My nose crusts after resection of my inferior turbinates
- My voice has too high a pitch- what can I do?
- My child has a hearing problem in both ears
- I have nasal polyps and need sinus surgery
- Runny Ear & Hearing Loss
- I have a growth on my cheek. Is this something to worry about?
- I lost my sense of smell and taste- what can I do?
- Can you help recalibrate my father’s hearing aid?
- Hi, during the removal of a brain meningioma, the surgeon cut my hearing nerve on the left side, I was wondering, is there a procedure that can be done to restore the hearing in my left ear.
- My 5 month’s voice has gone hoarse after a long crying episode
- My throat closes and I have difficulty breathing in
- I have lost the sense of smell (anosmia)
- Is bloody mucus a sign of a sinus infection?
- Will allergy shots help my sinus infections?
- CT Scan or Tympanogram for Otosclerosis?
- What could be the cause/reason for on/off nosebleeds from one nostril frequently?
- Will a cochlear implant destroy my mother’s remaining hearing?
- Will Surgery for a Deviated Septum Help?
- Do I have otosclerosis?
- Bump in the Nose: Can Anything Be Done?
- I have had an ear infection and echoing for 7 weeks
- I have atrophic rhinitis. I felt great after one month of Levaquin, then it came back.
- I have constant nasal pressure, difficulty breathing through my nose and a bad odor
- Will balloon sinuplasty help my runny nose and deviated septum?
- Peppermint tea causes me to have a sinus headache after sinus surgery
- My 15 year old has 6-8 colds a year. Could she have sinusitis?
- Can you send any encouraging word?
- Whom should I see first, my primary care doctor or ENT
- I have severe sinus headaches and my doctor is considering balloon sinuplasty
- I have a deviated septum and a crooked nose. My surgery did not help. Is it safe to perform surgery again?
- Pain while swallowing and turning my head after dental infection
- I have mucus in the nose after turbinate surgery
- My granddaughter has a hearing loss
- I have trouble breathing through my nose and have a deviated septum. Can that be corrected?
- I have a growth in my mouth
- I have a bad breath odor
- Surgery for hearing loss
- Question: I have a strep infection and when I blow my nose, mucus comes out of my eyes.
- I want to know if facial reconstructive surgery can help me remove the scar on my nose and let me have the nose I was born with?
- My husband has Methicillin Resistant Staph (MRSA) in his Sinuses
- My daughter has had ear tubes and an adenoidectomy was recommended
- Is Tap Water safe for nasal irrigation?
- I think my sinus infections stem from a problem with my immune system
- My daughter has a hole in her septum and is called a nasal cripple
- I have persistent headaches and dizziness. Will I have to suffer with this the rest of my life?
- What is Causing This Pain in My Ears?
- Hoarseness for a Month — Should I See a Specialist?
- What causes the swelling under my eyes?
- I can’t breathe from my nose after jaw surgery
- Lost sense of smell after oral surgery
- Loss of Smell- Something New?
- Can ear pain be from my teeth?
- I have had Parotitis (mumps) for almost a month. I have a huge lump on my left side of face/neck and it is extremely painful especially at night.
- Causes (And Treatments) For Your Baby’s Hoarse Voice
- My Nose Has Been Congested For 6 Months
- Sense of Smell Lost – But Returns Temporarily With Oral Steroids
- Post Nasal Drip Problems
- Atrophic Rhinitis
- Is Post Nasal Drip Curable?
- What Causes of Loss of Smell And Taste?
- Antibiotics and Adenoid Surgery for Children
- My Ear Is Plugged And Has A Strange Odor – What Can I do?
- I Have A Small Pimple In My Nostril Not Painful, But Very Uncomfortable? What Should I Do?
- My Ears Have A Bubbling And Crackling Noise
- I’m A 19 Year Old Man With A High Pitched Voice. Is There Anything I Can Do?
- Ear Trauma
- I am a 21 year old male. What can I do about my high pitched voice?
- Can Nasal Endoscopy rule out Sinus Infection?
- Allergies & Acid Reflux
- Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma
- Benign Positional Vertigo
- Severe Pressure and Pain in Eyes and Head
- Septorhinoplasty & Sinus Surgery
- Bone Anchored Hearing Aid
- Sinus Surgery & Eye Pain
- Constant Throat Clearing & Nasal Voice
- Narrowed Sinus Passage
- Mouth Breathing & Chronic Nasal Congestion
- Persistent pain after sinus surgery
- Blocked Tear Duct
- Tracheal Stenosis
- Since my surgery my sense of smell has been greatly diminished.
- My 3 year old son speaks with an extremely high-pitched voice. (he did that from when he was an infant)
- I have almost non-stop buzzing in my head which has gotten louder over the past few months.
- Is it typical to lose all sense of smell after endoscopic sinus surgery?