For nearly 3 years I have been getting salty post nasal drip with headaches. I had a CT scan of my sinuses which showed only mild to moderate mucosal thickening. I had FESS bilateral unicectomies, middle meatal anthrostomies and anterior ethmoidectomies.
I wish I never had the surgery done, the salty drainage is so bad, I’m constantly coughing in tissues and have a constant high-pitched ringing in my ears. I have really bad anxiety and depression since the operation. I feel so ill everyday. I’m 22 year old female and it’s ruining my life.
I think I might have a csf leak. Had beta 2 transferrin test, which came back negative. I coughed the fluid from the back, I dont get any out the front of my nose. My recent CT scan doesn’t show any evidence of a leak. Been tested for allergies and am not allergic to anything.
What can I do? Thank you.